Welcome to our virtual worship service for Sunday April 5th 2020. Below in the “Message” section of this post there is a link to participate in a Zoom meeting where Darryl will share a message. There are also questions and other tools for you to worship the Lord in your home. Please give us your feedback on what you would like to see more of in these virtual worship services.
Message/ Zoom Link
Below you can find an audio and video recording of the message:
Before we begin worship there are a few announcements to bring up to you.
We will not be meeting for a worship service at the building on Easter Sunday April 12th. Please plan on meeting with us virtually.
Please join our church family in reading the “30 Days with Jesus” Bible Plan that can be found here: https://my.bible.com/reading-plans/16977-30-days-with-jesus
At this time our Big Give that was planned for Sunday April 5th has been postponed. The event that we call Arbor Bridge in Action: Home Project has also been postponed. We looking for a new date for this event.
Last please sign up to receive texts from church. Click HERE to find out how.
On Thursday of this week (April 9th) Darryl will be hosting a virtual devotional time at 7pm. Join the Zoom Meeting by going to: https://zoom.us/j/864710786?pwd=NFpkUGREMjlTVk1qVmFwQ3ErMGVWZz09 You may need to use the Password: 058905 (Zoom has begun forcing users to use a password because the increased use of its site)
Bridge Kids
Arbor Bridge is partnering with Think Orange to bring you Bridge Kids remotely. Below you will find a link to a video with this month's song and a video presentation for the lesson. Simply select the age group that best fits your needs.
In the files found HERE you will also find a parent guide for you to use. Simply select the age group that best fits your needs.
Don't forget to also download the ParentQue app that has helpful queues to engage in sharing your faith with your kids each week. Click the link below to find out more.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Children’s Ministry Coordinator Brie Sanders at: abcbridgekids@gmail.com
Prayer, Songs, and Questions
When the message is over pray (on your own or with your family). Ask God to show you what it means to have His fullness and what it would take to get it.
You can follow up Darryl’s message with some questions we have prepared. Talk about them with your family or Bridge Group (Small Group). Find those questions HERE
After the message we have use the song below to help you focus your thoughts on trusting in Christ