Virtual Church 05/31/2020


Welcome to our virtual worship service for Sunday May 31st 2020.  Below in the “Message” section of this post there is a link to participate in a Zoom meeting where Darryl will share a message. Also below there are also links to Breakout groups that will allow for folks who would like to spend time together discussing the message or just catching up with one another (after the service is over.)

Message/ Zoom Link

Here is the link:
Topic: Arbor Bridge Virtual Church Zoom Meeting

Time: 10:30am - 11:00am

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 951 5450 3934

Darryl will be leading our 30 minute service and we look forward to seeing everyone and sharing communion.

Alternatively you can also view this Sundays message on YouTube by clicking below:

Virtual Church 05/24/2020


Welcome to our virtual worship service for Sunday May 24th 2020.  Below in the “Message” section of this post there is a link to participate in a Zoom meeting where Darryl will share a message. Also below there are also links to Breakout groups that will allow for folks who would like to spend time together discussing the message or just catching up with one another (after the service is over.)

Message/ Zoom Link

Here is the link:
Topic: Arbor Bridge Virtual Church Zoom Meeting

Time: 10:30am - 11:00am

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 951 5450 3934

Darryl will be leading our 30 minute service and we look forward to seeing everyone and sharing communion.

Alternatively you can also view this Sundays message on YouTube by clicking below:


Topic: Jennys Break Out Group

Open the Zoom app and put in Michael’s Zoom ID:

861-151-7871 (always the same - every Sunday) 

Password: cool

Topic: Keith's Breakout Group 
Time: May 17, 11:00 AM Eastern Time(US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 935 3097 7085
Password: Bridge

Topic: Jackson Break Out Group

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 218 535 792
Password: JackGroup3


When the message is over pray (on your own or with your family). Ask God to show you what it means to have His fullness and what it would take to get it.


  • Last please sign up to receive texts from church. Click HERE to find out how.

  • On Wednesday of this week the Jennys BreakOut Group and the Keith’s BreakOut group will be hosting a midweek Zoom meeting. We would love for you to participate. We will send out an invitation via email to you this week to remind you of these gatherings

  • During the month of May, we will be collecting donations of single serving snack foods (like granola bars, packs of nuts, etc.) for the staff at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital.  Donations can be brought to the church building...there will be a bin at the door for drop off.  You can also make purchases online by going to . If you have any questions, please email Pastor Darryl at  Let's say thank you to the people that are helping to keep us safe!

Technical Issues

Sorry for the tech trouble 

Hey friends, 
I am so sorry for the tech trouble today.  
I have heard that other churches are having trouble with zoom/ their services.  
We are planning to work on our tech troubles today and trying to iron out the problems.  
Next week we will have a youtube streaming option in addition to Zoom to be a back up just in case things continue not to work.  

If you have questions don't hesitate to reach out to me:

much love

New Zoom 05/17/2020

Darryl Canty is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Darryl Canty's Zoom Meeting

Time: May 17, 2020 10:49 AM America/Detroit

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 814 1029 3857

One tap mobile +13017158592,,81410293857# US (Germantown) +13126266799,,81410293857# US (Chicago) Dial by your location +1 301 715 8592 US (Germantown) +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 646 558 8656 US (New York) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose) Meeting ID: 814 1029 3857 Find your local number:

Virtual Church 05/17/2020


Welcome to our virtual worship service for Sunday May 17th 2020.  Below in the “Message” section of this post there is a link to participate in a Zoom meeting where Darryl will share a message. Also below there are also links to Breakout groups that will allow for folks who would like to spend time together discussing the message or just catching up with one another (after the service is over.)

Message/ Zoom Link

Here is the link:
Topic: Arbor Bridge Virtual Church Zoom Meeting

Time: 10:30am - 11:00am

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 951 5450 3934

Darryl will be leading our 30 minute service and we look forward to seeing everyone and sharing communion.


Topic: Jennys Break Out Group

Open the Zoom app and put in Michael’s Zoom ID:

861-151-7871 (always the same - every Sunday) 

Password: cool

Topic: Keith's Breakout Group 
Time: May 17, 11:00 AM Eastern Time(US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 935 3097 7085
Password: Bridge

Topic: Jackson Break Out Group

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 218 535 792
Password: JackGroup3


When the message is over pray (on your own or with your family). Ask God to show you what it means to have His fullness and what it would take to get it.


  • Last please sign up to receive texts from church. Click HERE to find out how.

  • On Wednesday of this week the Jennys BreakOut Group and the Keith’s BreakOut group will be hosting a midweek Zoom meeting. We would love for you to participate. We will send out an invitation via email to you this week to remind you of these gatherings

  • During the month of May, we will be collecting donations of single serving snack foods (like granola bars, packs of nuts, etc.) for the staff at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital.  Donations can be brought to the church building...there will be a bin at the door for drop off.  You can also make purchases online by going to . If you have any questions, please email Pastor Darryl at  Let's say thank you to the people that are helping to keep us safe!

Virtual Church 05/10/2020


Welcome to our virtual worship service for Sunday May 10th 2020.  Below in the “Message” section of this post there is a link to participate in a Zoom meeting where Darryl will share a message. Also below there are also links to Breakout groups that will allow for folks who would like to spend time together discussing the message or just catching up with one another (after the service is over.)

Message/ Zoom Link

Here is the link:
Topic: Arbor Bridge Virtual Church Zoom Meeting

Time: 10:30am - 11:00am

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 951 5450 3934

Darryl will be leading our 30 minute service and we look forward to seeing everyone and sharing communion.


Topic: Jennys Break Out Group

Open the Zoom app and put in Michael’s Zoom ID:

861-151-7871 (always the same - every Sunday) 

Password: cool

Topic: Keith's Breakout Group 
Time: May 03, 11:00 AM Eastern Time(US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 935 3097 7085
Password: Bridge

Topic: Jackson Break Out Group

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 218 535 792
Password: JackGroup3


When the message is over pray (on your own or with your family). Ask God to show you what it means to have His fullness and what it would take to get it.


  • Last please sign up to receive texts from church. Click HERE to find out how.

  • On Wednesday of this week the Jennys BreakOut Group and the Keith’s BreakOut group will be hosting a midweek Zoom meeting. We would love for you to participate. We will send out an invitation via email to you this week to remind you of these gatherings

  • During the month of May, we will be collecting donations of single serving snack foods (like granola bars, packs of nuts, etc.) for the staff at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital.  Donations can be brought to the church building...there will be a bin at the door for drop off.  You can also make purchases online by going to . If you have any questions, please email Pastor Darryl at  Let's say thank you to the people that are helping to keep us safe!

Virtual Church 05/03/2020


Welcome to our virtual worship service for Sunday May 3rd 2020.  Below in the “Message” section of this post there is a link to participate in a Zoom meeting where Darryl will share a message. Also below there are also links to Breakout groups that will allow for folks who would like to spend time together discussing the message or just catching up with one another (after the service is over.)

Message/ Zoom Link

Here is the link:
Topic: Arbor Bridge Virtual Church Zoom Meeting

Time: 10:30am - 11:00am

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 951 5450 3934

Darryl will be leading our 30 minute service and we look forward to seeing everyone and sharing communion.


Topic: Jennys Break Out Group

Open the Zoom app and put in Michael’s Zoom ID:

861-151-7871 (always the same - every Sunday) 

Password: cool

Topic: Keith's Breakout Group 
Time: May 03, 11:00 AM Eastern Time(US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 935 3097 7085
Password: Bridge

Topic: Jackson Break Out Group

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 218 535 792
Password: JackGroup3


When the message is over pray (on your own or with your family). Ask God to show you what it means to have His fullness and what it would take to get it.


  • Last please sign up to receive texts from church. Click HERE to find out how.

  • On Wednesday of this week the Jennys BreakOut Group and the Keith’s BreakOut group will be hosting a midweek Zoom meeting. We would love for you to participate. We will send out an invitation via email to you this week to remind you of these gatherings

Virtual Church 04/26/2020


Welcome to our virtual worship service for Sunday April 26th 2020.  Below in the “Message” section of this post there is a link to participate in a Zoom meeting where Darryl will share a message. Also below there are also links to Breakout groups that will allow for folks who would like to spend time together discussing the message or just catching up with one another (after the service is over.)

Message/ Zoom Link

Here is the link:
Topic: Arbor Bridge Virtual Church Zoom Meeting

Time: 10:30am - 11:00am

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 951 5450 3934

Darryl will be leading our 30 minute service and we look forward to seeing everyone and sharing communion.


Topic: Jennys Break Out Group

Open the Zoom app and put in Michael’s Zoom ID:

861-151-7871 (always the same - every Sunday) 

Password: cool

Topic: Keith's Breakout Group 
Time: Apr 26, 2020 11:00 AM Eastern Time(US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 935 3097 7085
Password: Bridge

Topic: Jackson Break Out Group

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 218 535 792
Password: JackGroup3


When the message is over pray (on your own or with your family). Ask God to show you what it means to have His fullness and what it would take to get it.


  • We will not be meeting for a worship service at the building on until May 3rd at the earliest. We will continue to update you if this date changes.

  • Last please sign up to receive texts from church. Click HERE to find out how.

  • On Wednesday of this week the Jennys BreakOut Group and the Keith’s BreakOut group will be hosting a midweek Zoom meeting. We would love for you to participate. We will send out an invitation via email to you this week to remind you of these gatherings