Coronavirus Update 03/17/2020

Coronavirus Update (03/17/2020) 

Dear church family, 

Happy St. Patricks Day!  

We have been thinking and praying for you during this time of unsettling change in our country.  

Everyday there are new changes and things we are learning about how we will be moving forward in the next few weeks.  

Our church leadership is saddened to announce that we will be cancelling our worship services for at least the next 2 weeks (March 22nd and March 29th).  We will continue to communicate with you regarding future worship services and how we will proceed during the month of April as we get closer to the beginning of that month.  

We have been working on ways to keep our church family connected to Christ and each other during this time.  This Sunday we will be making a video available that will lead you through a communion and offering meditation.  We would love for you to take communion this Sunday even if we won’t be together.  If you live with your family it would be great if you would take communion together with your them.  We will also be making Bridge Kids resources available for parents with children in our kids ministry. 

 In the future we will be organizing online video gatherings, providing guidance for folks who would like to do their own worship service for their family, and letting you know of a few people who will be hosting small gatherings in their homes (less than 10).  

To help our church family stay connected during this time: 

  • Set your mind on things that are above.  It will be easy to be overwhelmed by the state of things in our community right now.  If we continue to bring our minds back to Christ we will have a better shot at being who Christ wants during this time.  

  • Take part in the Bible Plan that our church family is reading together.  Please check it out HERE.   

  • Sign up to receive text message updates HERE.  Please help us stay in contact with you during these challenging times.

  • Connect with us online.  We will be posting new material on Sunday morning that you can use to have your own time of worship.  (Please purchase your own communion supplies ahead of time so that you can be prepared to take communion on Sunday.)  We will be posting worship service videos and materials at: .  You can also find past messages there if you would like to listen to Darryl’s previous sermons.  

  • Let us know if you need help.  With several businesses in the area closing for the foreseeable future we understand that this may put some of you in distress.  Don’t worry we can get through this together.  Don’t go through this challenging season of life alone.  

  • Commit a percentage of your income to our church family.  If you are in a position to continue to give at this time please don’t forget that even though we are not meeting we still have financial obligations to meet.  You can mail your checks via snail mail to: Arbor Bridge Church 2500 South Main Street Ann Arbor, MI  48103 or you can give online at

  • If you are healthy and interested in getting together with others in a small group setting during this time please email us at one of the addresses below.  

We are praying that God can use this difficult situation to advance His kingdom.  Thank you for being a part of the church family that we love so very much.  

The Elders and Staff of Arbor Bridge Church 

Please contact Jaimie Hartman or Darryl Canty with questions. 

Coronavirus Update 03/12/2020

Coronavirus Update (3/12/2020)

Dear church family,

Arbor Bridge Church will continue to hold services based on current Health Department guidelines.  The situation has changed quickly in the past few days and we will communicate updates via email, Facebook, and Text.  Sign up to receive text message updates HERE

  • Do what is best for your family.   If you are in a high-risk group for the virus or feel stressed about attending - stay home.

  • Please stay home if anyone in your household is sick or you are concerned that you have come in contact with an infected person.

On Sunday we will:

  • Have Offering and Communion trays in a stationary location (and not passed)

  • Do our best to disinfect surfaces and recommend NOT shaking hands

If service is canceled or you choose to stay home you can stay connected: 

We understand that this is a scary time for many in the world and in our church family. As we take  precautions to be wise and safe we want to remind each other that God is bigger than all of this and He can be trusted in times of trouble.  Look for ways that you can serve the most vulnerable during this time of great need. 

The Elders and Staff of Arbor Bridge Church

Please contact Jaimie Hartman with questions. email: