In this message, Darryl wraps up the Christmas message. Going forward, bring the Christmas Spirit with you, to spread the message of Jesus Christ.
Every Day Advent Joy 3
Darryl talks about joy and fixing our eyes on Jesus
Persecute Peace
Everyday Advent Hope 1
In today’s message, we listened to the importance of Hope, and how important it is to trust Jesus.
Speak of the Devil 3
Darryl talks about the lies the devil tells us and our vulnerability
SpeakOfTheDevil, 2
Speak Of The Devil
In today’s messages, we reflect on how dangerous the devil is. We need to take intentional steps to walk with God and keep the devil at bay.
Urgency of Everything
Darryl talks about the urgency of Jesus’ message.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality 4
In today’s message, we reflect on our inner story, and our outer story. Only Jesus can align our outer story to our inner story.