In this message, Pastor Brandon Kim discusses that God is ever. He values us always, and we should reflect his value.
Luke week 9
What should I do with Jesus who is called Christ?
Luke Week 8
Darryl talks about being transfigured by God
Luke Week 7
Beth Bowers teaches us about Taizé Worship and Darryl talks about being saved from the punishment of sin.
Luke Message 6
In this message, Darryl Speaks on the importance of Kingdom Urgency. We should live with a sense of urgency because the kingdom of God is coming, and we should work toward our heavenly goals.
Luke 5 Christmas Eve Message
In this Christmas message, Darryl speaks on the wrath of God, and the importance of the birth of Jesus to us.
Luke 4 ch 6-7
Darryl talks about John the baptist and the coming of the messiah
LUKE 3-5
Luke Message 1
In this message, Darryl intros the gospel Luke and Acts. This is a series of lessons we will be learning about up until Easter.
Matthew 23
Who is the Lord?