Pastor Darryl begins a series on the things in our life that hold us back. Today he talks about pride.
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Pastor Darryl begins a series on the things in our life that hold us back. Today he talks about pride.
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Darryl tells us "How to have sex with someone you're not married to" ?!?! WHAT??
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How we answer the question, "Am I Enough" determines who we become. "When my thoughts turn toward pleasures which are not mine to enjoy, help me to imagine the pain of infidelity and the cost of broken trust."
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How we decide the answer to the question, "Am I enough?" determines who we become.
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Darryl discusses racism and how we can bring it into the Light of Jesus.
Darryl asks if our faith and character will hold up when we're tested. If we're strong enough, those moments can become our finest hours
Are we prepared to answer God's call to do what you alone can do? Are you able to make it your finest hour?