As Darryl enjoys his vacation, Eric Hammond from His House Christian Fellowship shares his thoughts with us
Election Infection
In this sermon based on some material by North Point Church Darryl talks about how we should treat people when we disagree with each other about political issues.
the Power of Love
In this sermon Darryl talks about how power and love should not be separated but joined as one. When that happens power has the compassion it needs to change the lives of people.
Connected 4
In this sermon Darryl discusses what it looks like to be connected to Jesus and each other.
Connected 3
In this sermon Darryl discusses how we can be more connected to Jesus and each other.
Connected 2
In this sermon Darryl describes what it takes to connect with Jesus and each other.
Haunted 3
In the last of the Haunted series, Darryl talks about being haunted by fear.
Haunted 2
Haunted 1
In this series, Darryl will discuss how sin, and/or regret can haunt us in our lives.
Christian Atheist 4: Do You Know Him?
In the last of the Christian Atheist series, Darryl talks about the idea of believing in God but not knowing Him.