You are invited to join a Discipleship Group because you deserve the life God promised.  He came to give life and give it abundantly.


What is Discipleship?

Discipleship is not just a process of education; it is a profound transformation of the heart and mind. Think of discipleship as akin to hiring a personal trainer who specializes in your spiritual development. It is a meaningful journey filled with growth and exploration. This form of discipleship represents a simple yet impactful commitment of one year, during which a dedicated individual invests their time and wisdom in you, guiding you towards becoming everything that God dreams and envisions you could truly be.


Why Discipleship?

Because you deserve the life that God promised. It is an incredible life where you feel prepared, confident, and skilled as you make decisions and face the challenges of life. It is a life of rest knowing that God is pleased with you. It is a life that experiences tremendous blessing. That is the life that God promised us.


How Do We do Discipleship?

We start once a year and go for one year. You get to meet with your discipleship guide once a week for ninety minutes. Along the way, you will read the Bible in the simplest, most incredible way. In fact, everyone who has tried this way totally get the Bible. They get smarter. They rock. And along the way, you will get some incredible side resources that will supercharge you with answers about how to not only survive but to thrive. If you’d like to be a part of a d-group sign up below. The deadline to sign up is the end of the day on Sunday February 2nd. D-Groups will begin the week of February 16th.

In order to be a part of a D-Group you’ll need to sign up by the end of the day on Sunday February 2nd. Use the form below to let us know you’d like to be in a group