Thanks so much for being a leader of our church.  If you were not able to attend our leaders meeting on Sunday August 27th the audio of the meeting is below.  Please check it out.   Also below the audio of the meeting are a couple leadership podcasts on the importance of leading when you are not in charge.  These podcasts discuss the importance that all of us play in the life of a church or organization we are part of.  We can all be leaders by doing certain types of things in our lives.  If you have not listened to those podcasts please take some time to check them out.  If you have any thoughts or questions regarding the content of the meeting please email Darryl at:

Hey there church leaders!  

I am hosting a church leader meeting on Sunday August 27th immediately after the worship service in the fellowship hall.  In preparation for that meeting would you please listen to the following two podcasts?  By listening to the podcasts you will be more prepared for the content I will share with you.  love you!  thanks for your dedication to Christ and His church.  - Darryl